Who knew this wonderful website existed?
I immediately fell in love with it and all the different creations and activities it has the followers create.
The Daily Create, for some odd reason that I'm not sure why, reminded me of Etsy, except in my price range. I can spend hours on Etsy looking at "artist's products"(of which some are not even "handmade" as they claim to be), yet I cannot afford any of the items. The Daily Create had me spending hours looking at all the different projects and creations, and I was able to appreciate the art provided without having to pay for any of it. Having an art gallery online that doesn't cost a dime to contribute to or view is what this frugal student needed.
My favourite page linked to the Daily Create website is the DS106 assignments. There are so many great assignments submitted by the students. My most favourite page is the Mashup Assignments with different YouTube videos, and my favourite video was definitely the inappropriate laughter with Silence of the Lambs.
For this tech task we had to follow the Daily Create and submit 4 times.
I was very motivated intially to submit everyday, but for some reason life got in the way and I ended up submitting only 4 times, but I plan to continue to follow the Daily Create and submit every once in a while.
One of the exciting and scary parts of this assignment for me was to create my very own Flickr account (for free of course). While this was a new adventure I now see the benefits of Flickr for sharing photos and unique digital pieces of art. One problem I discovered after particpating in the Daily Create was that my uploads to Flickr were not appearing. After some investigating and reading through Flickr and The Daily Create's FAQ's, I discovered photos tagged may not appear for a few days, and may not appear until you have more than 5 pictures on your Flickr account. This was good to know after I worried all my submissions had been lost, but I have added some more photos to Flickr and hope my submissions will appear under the appropriate tags/ groups soon.
Here are my submissions:
1. February 8
Check out my Twitter (@KendraKerrigan) |
2. February 9
Create some kind of pattern of things on your desk right now.
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From Kerrigakendra |
This was a Saturday, and I was at school, so I had limited "desk" supplies, but I think it still worked.
3. February 12
Upload a drawing of a place you’ve been, but NEVER want to go back to.
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Flickr Kerrigakendra |
I don't know anyone who likes being stuck at an airport. I love traveling but dislike being delayed.
4. February 13
Take a picture of something brand new. Like shiny.
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Flickr Kerrigakendra |
These jewels and sequence were a brand new purchase from one of my favourite places to shop, the Dollar Store, and I used them for a school project. Shiny Shiny!
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