Thursday, April 24, 2014

Just Can't Let It Go

Frozen castposter
Retrieved from:
So Frozen is still a hit here in Korea. My young students request "Ursa Song" almost every day. I feel very fortunate to have found Elsa's Song Let It Go on 10 hour loop so I can play it during the break without having to be in my classroom.

Since every week I am in a new active zone, and I have to admit that I wasn't overly thrilled with the Fluency Build Up zone with a theme of A Hunting We Will Go, I took the same fluency concepts and made Lesson Plans for Let It Go. I am willing to share, but I don't think I can put the documents online due to using images of the characters which are copyrighted.

A screenshot of one of the basic worksheets.

I feel like I have sometimes not had as much fun as I would hope to in active zone, but I really enjoyed these new lessons. The students were having fun, and although that meant I had to listen to Let It Go for 2 days straight, the excitement and learning that I witnessed made it worth it.

I was so proud of my students. They asked me if they could take home the lyric sheet I had made up to "practice" and "read with". I was amazed at the ability of my lower level students to follow along with the proper English words and their drive to want to practice the song more.

A screenshot of the lyrics
It's in these moments that I realize why I am a teacher, to watch the excitement, the growth and the motivation in my students to learn more and do better. There was no test at the end, there was no competition, it was individuals working together to increase their English fluency. This is what I want my classroom to be like.

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going well Kendra,

    your lifetime subscriber.
